The Decorator Pattern is a useful pattern in C#. But the built-in DI Container makes using it a bit complicated.

The Decorator Pattern

The Decorator Pattern is a design pattern that allows behavior to be added to an object dynamically at runtime. It is useful in cases where you want to add more functionality but don’t want to modify the original class definition. Typically this pattern is implemented using wrapper classes that implement the same interface as the existing class. A wrapper class has a reference to an object of the existing class and forwards requests to it while providing the additional functionality. A lot of words, but what does it really look like?

Some typical examples are:

  • Adding a cross cutting feature (like caching, logging, or exception handling) without having to pollute the existing class with a bunch of boilerplate code.
  • Dynamically add/remove functionality at runtime (like benchmarking).

The implementation I have used is to create a Decorator class that implements the same interface as the existing class and then perform additional functionality before/after forwarding requests to the existing object.

Let’s look at an example in C#. I have a class that make a call to a database:

public class MyService : IMyService
    private readonly MyDbContext _context;
    public MyService(MyDbContext context)
        _context = context;
    public async Task SubmitOrderAsync(int orderId, DateTime dateSubmitted, CancellationToken token)
        var existingOrder = await _context.Set<Order>()
            .Where(x => x.OrderId == orderId)
        existingOrder.Status = "Submitted";
        existingOrder.StatusDate = dateSubmitted;
        var _ = await _context.SaveChangesAsync(token);

The business user has requested a new feature. When an order is submitted, they would like the system to publish an event to the accounting service. One option would be to modify the existing class to be responsible for that behavior. Another option would be to wrap the existing calls to the class with a class that is responsible for that behavior.

Here is what it would look like:

public class MyDecoratorService: IMyService
    private readonly IMyService _component;
    private readonly IServiceBus _serviceBus;
    public MyDecoratorService(IMyService component, IServiceBus serviceBus)
        _component = component;
        _serviceBus = serviceBus;
    public async Task SubmitOrderAsync(int orderId, DateTime dateSubmitted, CancellationToken token)
          await _component.SubmitOrderAsync(orderId, dateSubmitted, token);
          var orderSubmittedEvent = new OrderSubmittedEvent
              OrderId = orderId,
              DateSubmitted = dateSubmitted
          await _serviceBus.PublishAsync(orderSubmittedEvent, token);

The ‘trick’ to using this in a .NET project is registering the classes properly with the Dependency Injection (DI) Container.

Registering the Decorator Class

The component we are trying to decorate with new functionality is registered as follows:

services.AddScoped<IMyService, MyService>();

What we want is to replace the current class with the new decorator class instead. But this doesn’t do it properly:

services.AddScoped<IMyService, MyDecoratorService>();

MyDecoratorService requires an instance of IMyService as a constructor parameter. So what if we included both?

services.AddScoped<IMyService, MyService>();
services.AddScoped<IMyService, MyDecoratorService>();

The built-in DI container will have two instances of the IMyService registered. When a request is made to get an instance of IMyService, it will return an instance of the MyDecoratorService, since it was the last one registered. So we are no better off.

We need a way to register both simultaneously. Here is how that looks, using the ActivatorUtilities:

services.AddScoped<IMyService>(p =>
        ActivatorUtilities.CreateInstance<MyService>(p, p.GetRequiredService<MyDbContext>()),

The ActivatorUtilities.CreateInstance method creates an object using the configured service provider (at runtime). It requires us to define how each of the constructor parameters are assigned. The instance of MyService has its MyDbContext parameter created from the service provider. The instance of MyDecoratorService has its MyService parameter created in-line, rather than using the service provider to create it indirectly.

While this works, it can become complex or difficult to maintain depending on how nay classes have decorators or how many constructor parameters are involved.

Some Other Choices

You can gain some simplicity if you switch to using a third-party container, such as Autofac. It has extension methods to make registering decorators simple:

var builder = new ContainerBuilder();

// Register the service to be decorated.

// Then register the decorator.
builder.RegisterDecorator<MyDecoratorService, IMyService>();

Another choice is to use Scrutor, which is a set of extensions on top of the built-in DI container:

services.AddScoped<IMyService, MyService>();
services.Decorate<IMyService, MyDecoratorService>();

Scrutor and Autofac both have some additional features worth checking out:

