Greetings, Programs

Welcome to my blog.

This website is an attempt to write ideas down so I can refer to them later. If someone else finds these ideas useful, then I am glad.

Matthew Edgar

Latest Posts

  • Scripting SQL Server Users

    Do you know what permissions a user has in SQL Server? Generating scripts to create users and grant permissions can save you a lot of trial and error.

  • It Sucks to be Wrong

    I often advocate (some would say preach) that progress should be made in small batches. Let’s find some data to back up that claim.

  • Code Change Guidelines

    Here are the guidelines I try to follow when I make changes to a code base.

  • Sharing PowerShell Profiles

    I use PowerShell on several computers. I need a means to share the profile I prefer on all these computers. I found a simple way using GitHub.

  • Creating a Custom .NET CLI Tool

    Installing tools on Windows can sometimes be challenging. The .NET CLI has a great way to distribute tools to your team.
