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This website is an attempt to write ideas down so I can refer to them later. If someone else finds these ideas useful, then I am glad.
Matthew Edgar
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Customizing OpenAPI Documentation In ASP.NET - Part 2
In Part 1 of Customizing OpenAPI Documentation In ASP.NET, we looked at how to ensure responses for each the status code were provided and that the payloads. There are still more customizations we can make.
Customizing OpenAPI Documentation In ASP.NET - Part 1
The default OpenAPI documentation generated from your ASP.NET code is rarely correct. Or rather, it is rarely what you want it to be. Let’s see how we can make it better.
Configuring OpenAPI In ASP.NET
Providing documentation to callers of an API can be extremely beneficial. It can mean the difference between an easy onboarding experience or frustration and a lot of trial and error.
Returning ProblemDetails In ASP.NET
Continuing my research from last week Using ProblemDetails in ASP.NET, I want to include ProblemDetails in other scenarios. For example, when a user receives a 401 or 403 response, there is no payload included in the response. I would prefer to include a ProblemDetails payload, making it simpler for callers to use the API.
Using ProblemDetails In ASP.NET
I wrote about using ProblemDetails a while back:
Problem Details with ASP.NET Core
Since then, they have become a first-class citizen in the ASP.NET libraries and can be added as follows: