Greetings, Programs

Welcome to my blog.

This website is an attempt to write ideas down so I can refer to them later. If someone else finds these ideas useful, then I am glad.

Matthew Edgar

Latest Posts

  • Early Days - Text Editing Tips

    How do you master editing text? Practice is only part of the journey. Knowing what to practice is just as important.

  • Early Days - Master How to Edit Text

    In the early part of your software development career, you spend the majority of your time writing code. This is the time to master how to edit text.

  • Learning to Program

    What should you learn when you are starting out as a software developer?

  • Type Narrowing in .NET 8

    Choosing the incorrect type for data in your applications can be a significant source of bugs. Let’s look how type narrowing can help you.

  • Leader Election using etcd from C#

    Having a service registry can be very useful when you have multiple instances of the same application running. Let’s take a look at how to elect one of the instances to be the leader.
